Gallantry awards
An incomplete list of medals awarded to Heatons servicemen.
ALCOCK, John Brockley, M.M.
“Sapper J. B. Alcock, R.E., of Thornton Street, Derby Range, who has been awarded the Military Medal for distinguished conduct and bravery in the field, is 39 years of age, and joined the army in April, 1915. Before enlisting he was a joiner at Hanson, Scott and Co.’s Rope Works, Stockport. He has a wife and five children.”
Manchester Evening News, 2 December 1916.
ARNOLD, Cuthbert Alphonse, M.C.
London Gazette, 30 May 1919.
BROOKE, Montague Frederick Arthur, M.C.
“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during a heavy hostile shelling of his battery. He displayed the utmost promptness and gallantry in attending wounded men, taking two of them to a dressing station a mile away under heavy shell and gas fire. On another similar occasion he was again conspicuous in moving two wounded men to safety under heavy shell fire, and, in fact, on numerous occasions he has displayed exceptional gallantry and devotion in going into battery positions which were being heavily shelled to attend to wounded men.”
London Gazette, 26 January 1918.
BROOKS, Percy, M.M.
BROWN, John, M.M.
CALLAN, James Wilson, M.M.
“The many friends of Corporal Wilson Callan, R.E., of Burnage Lane, Heaton Mersey, will be pleased to hear that he has been awarded the Military Medal for conspicuous gallantry in the field. He had for some months been on active service in France, and is over in London to receive his decoration. Corporal Callan, who was employed in the Stockport Corporation offices before the war, has also been recommended for a commission.”
Stockport Advertiser, 31 May 1918.
CLARKE, John Edmund, M.M.
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during recent operations. For a week this officer regularly brought up rations and ammunition under heavy fire of all descriptions regardless of personal danger. His courage, coolness and steady work were a splendid example to his section."
London Gazette, 16 July 1918.
DOIG, Alexander McLaren, D.C.M.
“For conspicuous gallantry and initiative on the 4th June 1915, on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Taking six men with him he captured a trench thereby bringing fire to bear on the enemy and repelling a counter-attack. It was due to his action that the trench was not only taken but successfully held.”
London Gazette, 15 September 1915.
“The Military Medal has been awarded to Sergeant Frank Fitchett, R.F.A.
He lives at 2, Hythe Road, Cheadle Heath, and is at present in hospital wounded.”
Manchester Evening News, 24 August 1917.
FRESHWATER, Archibald James Chamberlain, M.C.
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in the attack on the Beaurevoir-Fonsomme line on 3rd October, 1918. Before the attack he carried out several daring reconnaissances, which were of the utmost value in enabling the disposition of the machine guns to be arranged. During the attack he continually visited sections and gun teams under heavy fire, setting a fine example by his bearing and cheerful demeanour."
London Gazette, 3 October 1919.
GEE, George Edward, M.C.
"For conspicuous gallantry. When seriously wounded in both legs and one foot, and unable to walk, he continued to encourage his men till all had gone forward over the enemy's trenches."London Gazette, 18 August 1916.
GILL, Robert William, D.C.M.
“For conspicuous good work with machine guns on several occasions. Despite his 56 years he has done great execution among the enemy.”
London Gazette, 21 June 1916.
GIRVAN, Cuthbert Colin Gemmill, M.C.
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When on patrol he flew for 2½ hours at a height of 500 ft., gaining and dropping valuable information at Headquarters. Although severely wounded and fainting from loss of blood, he handed in his report before finally collapsing.”
London Gazette, 16 August 1917.
HIGGINS, Harold, M.M.
HILL, Leonard, D.C.M.
"For conspicuous gallantry. Pioneer Hill and Cpl. McLachlan continued to work with practically no cover under an intense artillery fire after half the parapet had been blown in. Pioneer Hill, though wounded in the thigh by a shrapnel bullet, completed his work. Both were practically buried at one time."
London Gazette, 9 August 1916.
HOLLOWAY, Stanley Yorke, M.C.
“Captain S. Y. Holloway, Lincolnshire Regiment, has been made a Companion of the Military Cross. Captain Holloway, whose home is at Westleigh, Mauldeth Road, Heaton Mersey, was educated at Worksop College, and joined the army shortly after the outbreak of war. He is a member of the Heaton Moor Golf Club, and also a member of the Heaton Mersey Cricket Club.”
Manchester Evening News, 12 June 1918.
HOLMES, Stanley Gordon, M.M.
HUFFAM, Ralph Estill, M.C.
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. He collected stragglers from other units, formed them into a company, and checked the enemy's advance until the arrival of fresh troops. He showed great determination and fine leadership."
London Gazette, 20 September 1918.
KIRSOPP, Albert Edward Stevenson, M.M.
“Pte. A. KIRSOPP, Seaforth Highlanders, of Chapel-street, Heaton Mersey, died at prisoners of war camp, Carrell, Germany. He was awarded the Military Medal on May 7, 1917, for conspicuous bravery in the field, and was taken prisoner in March last.”
Manchester Evening News, 16 August 1918.
LINFOOT, Gerald, M.C.
“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. At a critical moment when the success of a strong raiding party seemed doubtful owing to very heavy casualties, he rallied them and brought up support, thereby dispersing the enemy and securing the success of the enterprise. Although wounded, and at one moment alone under heavy fire, his pluck and presence of mind enabled him to carry on.”
London Gazette, 25 August 1917.
LINFOOT, Harold Anyon, D.S.O., M.C.
“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He was acting 2nd in command of his battalion and followed the attack with the rear companies. On arriving at the first objective while fighting was still in progress, he rushed a dugout containing four machine guns, capturing the guns and teams. He then moved along the line, under continuous shell fire and sniping, organising the first objective and the further advance. Throughout the action he sent back full and accurate information, and his example and leadership were of the greatest service.”
London Gazette, 5 April 1918.
LORD, Reginald Hollins, M.C. and star
London Gazette, 3 June 1918.
LUNT, Alfred, Meritorious Service Medal
MARKHAM, Henry Vaughan, M.C.
London Gazette, 1 January 1919
MILLER, Edward, M.M.
PARKINSON, William Henry, M.M.
PATERSON, Malcolm Clark, M.C.
“For conspicuous gallantry on 20th October, 1918, near St. Louis, when he went forward under heavy fire to dress wounded in the open and arrange for their removal to the rear. Again, on 25th October, 1918, near Ooteghem, when the battalion was held up by very heavy machine-gun fire, he made a tour of the front line and attended to the wounded under very trying circumstances. From 28th September to 26th October, he showed marked devotion to duty.”
London Gazette, 10 December 1919.
PATERSON, Matthew Wallace, M.C.
London Gazette, 1 June 1917
PRICE, Thomas Edward, D.S.C., D.S.O.
London Gazette, 13 September 1915, 22 June 1917.
PURDY, Martin Manley, M.C.
“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during a strong enemy attack. He commanded his section with great coolness under very heavy shell fire, gas and machine gun fire, and set a fine example to his gun teams, who for twenty hours caused the enemy severe losses.”
London Gazette, 23 July 1918.
RITCHIE, George Southern, M.C.
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On November 23, during the attack on Bourlon Wood, his tank broke down owing to mechanical trouble. He got his crew out of the tank with their machine guns, and followed another tank well ahead of the infantry, and inflicted very heavy casualties on the enemy at close quarters, which the other tanks unearthed. He remained with his crew, helping the infantry, who afterwards came up to consolidate, until he was recalled that night. The initiative he displayed and the clever handling of his crew enabled the infantry to gain ground which they could not have won without his assistance."
London Gazette, 18 July 1918
SAULL, Harold Vincent, M.M.
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as Scout Serjeant. He has done excellent reconnaissance work, and proved himself a splendid leader. He has always displayed coolness, initiative and resource in difficult situations which have been an inspiration to all ranks.”
London Gazette, 17 April 1918.
SHELMERDINE, Eustace Standring, M.M.
SIDDORN, Alan Hay, M.M.
STOTT, Walter, M.C.
“For conspicuous gallantry and bold reconnaissance work on 21st September, 1918, near Wytschaeter. He discovered a machine gun post in a crater in front of the enemy line, and, organising a party unobserved, rushed the post, shooting one man, taking two prisoners, while the rest ran away.”
London Gazette, 1 February 1919.
WATSON, James Leonard, M.M.
WHITLEY, Norman Henry Pownall, M.C., Croix de Guerre
WIGELSWORTH, Clifford Elverston, M.C.
“For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When, owing to heavy shelling, an ammunition dump became ignited close to his guns, he rushed to the dump and succeeded in isolating the blazing boxes, thereby saving the rest of the ammunition. Previously he carried out a daring reconnaissance of a village, which had been evacuated, and gained valuable information.”
London Gazette, 26 July 1918.
WILLIAMSON, James John, Air Force Cross
London Gazette, 8 February 1919.
WOOD, Edwin, M.M.
WRIGHT, Leslie William, M.M.
“Corporal L. W. Wright, of the Manchester Regiment, has been awarded the Military Medal. He is 21 years of age, was educated at the Stockport Grammar School, and was a member of the Heaton Mersey Lacrosse Club. He has been in action since November, 1915, and was seriously wounded on July 8, but is now recovering in Hobhill Hospital Glasgow. He lives with his parents at Oakdene, Parsonage Road, Heaton Moor.”
Manchester Evening News, 3 October 1916.
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